by porseshresearch | Feb 27, 2024 | reports
Introduction: Immigration, a constant throughout human history, has evolved into a contemporary phenomenon shaped by geopolitical conflicts, persecution, and economic adversity. The case of Afghanistan stands out as a compelling subject for immigration studies, given...
by porseshresearch | Feb 26, 2024 | reports
Background: The population of Afghan immigrants in the United States (U.S.) has experienced significant growth inrecent decades. It increased from around 4,000 in 1980 to 28,000 in 1990 and 45,000 in 2000. Withintwo decades, there was a notable surge in Afghan...
by porseshresearch | Dec 22, 2023 | reports
Background In recent times, Afghanistan has faced a whirlwind of sociopolitical changes that have deeply affected its healthcare landscape, notably with the transition following the Taliban’s take over of the country in August 2021.This change in power has had a...
by porseshresearch | Jun 24, 2023 | reports
In reviewing Afghanistan’s constitutions and legal systems, it is apparent that these laws are based on the exclusion and a harsh differentiation that relegates non-Muslims to the role of second class citizens. Though Afghanistan committed to the realization of...
by porseshresearch | Jun 23, 2023 | reports
In 1992, Afghan Singh (a pseudonym) was one member of the significant Hindus and Sikhs community in Kabul’s Kart-e Parwan area who lived a harmonious life and ran successful businesses. Back then, each family in this community possessed two-three vehicles, a...
by porseshresearch | Jun 23, 2023 | reports
In 1992, Afghan Singh (a pseudonym) was one member of the significant Hindus and Sikhs community in Kabul’s Kart-e Parwan area who lived a harmonious life and ran successful businesses. Back then, each family in this community possessed two-three vehicles, a fact...